THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FREEZING CEPHALOPOD VESSEL HARMERS (OP ANACEF) with CIF G35337575 and address in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, C/ Luis Morote Nº6, 6ªPlanta, recognized by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in 1992 and registered in the corresponding Register with OPP43 Code, was constituted with the social purpose of representing, defending and promoting the interests of the producers who are part of it, in order to represent, defend and promote the interests of the producers who are part of it, Fishing and Food in 1992 and registered in the corresponding Register with the Code of OPP43 was constituted with the social purpose of representing, defending and promoting the interests of the producers that are integrated in it, in order to improve the conditions of sale of the fishing production of its associates, depending on the fishing plans that can be established.
OP ANACEF contemplates, within the Production and Marketing Plan 2022, in the measures envisaged to achieve the objectives referred to in Article 7 of Regulation (EU) 1379/2013 regarding the preparation and implementation of campaigns to promote fishery products with the aim of encouraging the consumption of fish and improving the conditions of introduction into the market of fishery products, and more specifically, the «We Like Fish» Campaign.
The campaign «We Like Fish» has a double objective: to publicize the fish products marketed by OP ANACEF, specifically the species Patagonian toothfish «Merluccius senegalensis / Merluccius Polli«, Forkbeard «Phycis phycis» and Mullet «Mullus spp«, and promote increased consumption of fish, more specifically of the species mentioned above, in the HORECA channel and among the end customer (residents and non-residents) in the Canary Islands archipelago.
The period during which it will be possible to participate in the Campaign will begin on 01/09/2022 and will end on 14/10/2022 at 12:00 AM, island time, (hereinafter «Period of Validity»). It is estimated that the date of the final Gala to select the winning recipe will be in October 2022, being notified to participants by email and will be published on the website of the campaign http://welikefish.com/.
The present Campaign will be valid in the Canary Islands archipelago where hotel and catering training centres will participate, which will formally accept the commitment with the present bases to participate in the campaign, as well as the conditions stipulated by the collaboration agreement signed between OP ANACEF and the training centre.
The Promotion is aimed at any individual catering student who prepares a fish dish identified in the campaign as a student of the collaborating training centre who follows the participation instructions.
Excluded from participation in this promotion are employees and immediate family members of OP ANACEF or collaborating companies, professional consultants and advertising and promotion agencies that have a relationship with the Organizer.
OP ANACEF reserves the right to exclude from the Promotion any Participant/Collaborator who alters, damages or in any way threatens the proper functioning and normal and regulatory development of the Campaign. Likewise, any Participant/Collaborator who, intentionally or unintentionally, damages or harms the image of OP ANACEF and/or collaborating training centres will also be excluded.The Promotion is aimed at any individual catering student who prepares a fish dish identified in the campaign as a student of the collaborating training centre who follows the participation instructions.
The Legal Bases of the Campaign, deposited before a notary, will be published and accessible to all participants/collaborators and the general public at the following address: http://welikefish.com/.
The participating catering training centres (also called COLLABORATORS) will actively promote the participation of their catering students in the «We Like Fish» gastronomic competition by supporting them in the preparation of a recipe based on frozen fish with a choice of species: Patagonian toothfish «Merluccius senegalensis/ Merluccius Polli«, Forkbeard «Phycis phycis» and Mullet «Mullus spp«.
It will provide students with the necessary means for the preparation of the recipe.
The OPP will provide the fish free of charge to the centres involved in the initiative and will organise the delivery of the products at the points previously agreed with each centre for the duration of the campaign.
The partners will inform the OPP about the species and volume required for the preparation of their students’ recipes.
The school must also choose the recipe and the student who will represent them at the final event to resolve the gastronomic competition, which will take place in one of the Princess hotels in the archipelago. The recipes must be original.
The collaborating training centres accept that we use their image in the publicity associated with the campaign. They will be considered collaborators of the initiative, identifying recipes and species worked on. In addition, at least one person representing the centre will attend the final event of the gastronomic competition.
Participation in the competition, in the final event of resolution of the gastronomic competition and related activities, entail the consent of the use of the images collected for dissemination on the web, social networks and media by OP ANACEF, only within the framework of the campaign «We Like Fish» and with the sole purpose of giving visibility to the event. The use of these images in any case will not harm the honor and privacy of the participants, nor will it be contrary to the interests of the participating entities, respecting the regulations on data protection, image and legal protection.
In the event that a collaborating training centre is unable to continue in the campaign for reasons beyond the organisation’s control, it must inform the organisation in writing.
The prize will consist of an economic compensation of 200 € and the inclusion of the recipe in the menu of the restaurants of the hotels selected by Princess Hotels, specifying the details of the author of the recipe, for a period of one month, which may be extended depending on the availability of the raw material. During this time, the consumption of the «We like Fish» recipe will be promoted among the guests, and the recipe, training centre and winner of the competition will be publicised in the promotional material of the campaign.
Election of the winner: FINAL GALA
A gala event will be held at one of the Princess’s hotel establishments on the islands in October 2022. Collaborating centres will be informed in advance and through the campaign website: http://welikefish.com/ about the date and venue. During the gala, the participating recipes will be tasted. Representatives of OP ANACEF and the Princess Hotels will announce the winner. And the award ceremony will take place. Finalists who do not attend the gala renounce their participation in the final selection, as well as their right to the prize. The winner may renounce the prize obtained and in this case will not be offered an alternative prize, nor will such renunciation give right to indemnification or compensation.
- Maximum score: 100 points
- Presentation and innovation: 25 points
- Taste, flavour, texture and aroma: 30 points
- Composition: 25 points
- Correct and professional preparation: 20 points
Dynamics and operation:
The contestant will have 1 hour to prepare the dish. The entrance of each contestant to the kitchen will be staggered and in strict order of the draw.
The presentation of the dish will be in the same order of entry and with a maximum interval of 15 minutes.
Concept that contestants should be aware of:
- Dishes that do not conform to this guideline will be deducted points.
- Originality.
- The right combination of flavour, colour and presentation.
- The colors arranged should harmonize with each other.
- Appetising appearance, preserving the essence of the products.
- Proper cooking of the ingredients that make up the dish.
- The vegetables should be well cut.
- Vegetable juices (sauces) should be arranged so as not to detract from the overall appearance of the dish.
By participating in the Promotion, the participant-student and Collaborating Centre accepts the Legal Bases. Participants accept that OP ANACEF may postpone, shorten, extend, modify, cancel or suspend the Promotion if necessary, without this implying any liability for OP ANACEF, who will communicate this as soon as possible at: http://welikefish.com/. OP ANACEF is empowered to resolve any contingency not foreseen in these Legal Bases, as well as to interpret them.
The interpretation and fulfilment of the Legal Bases shall be governed by Spanish law. OP ANACEF and the Participants, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the courts and tribunals of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria for the resolution of any dispute that may arise in relation to the Rules or the Promotion.